Transform Your Work & Home Life
My specialty is helping people resolve work and life problems at their root cause, so the presenting issue doesn't come back.
It's a wonderful feeling to be clear: to have a clear direction, a clear mind, clear motivations, and clear processes. It's also very easy to get stuck.
Sometimes an impossible situation becomes easy, even enjoyable, with a change in perspective.

Unite Efforts. Achieve Excellence
- Build a Team
- Inspire Motivation
- Create Safety & Trust
- Envision, Plan, Realize
- Perform
Realize Your Potential
- Find Your Motivation & Direction
- Break Harmful Habits
- Transform Fear
- Communicate Successfully
- Navigate Tough Situations
Experience Satisfaction & Fulfillment
- Harmonize Your Home Life
- Increase Intimacy
- Forgive
- Find & Maintain Balance
- Understand Yourself & Others

Thrive At Work. Why not?
Thrive At Work is a consulting, coaching and training company with a holistic approach to performance and wellbeing. Our practice is based on the proven premise, provided by over 50 years of empirical self-determination research around the globe, that when basic human needs for integrity, belonging and competence are met people are naturally inspired to do their best and most sustainable work.
- Recognizing that psychological safety is the #1 indicator of high performing teams, we help organizations create safe, trusted, and truthful environments.
- Recognizing that using our strengths is vital to our needs for integrity and competence, we help individuals identify and employ their core strengths.

Utter Hypnosis. Freedom from Unwanted Fears & Habits.
Utter Hypnosis provides a path to freedom for those who are ready to end habits and fears that are holding them back. Expertise includes helping people stop smoking, stop drinking, lose weight, end food cravings, and reduce anxiety. I've found hypnosis to be very helpful for people with PTSD and IBS as well. In fact, it can resolve a multitude of issues.
Why is hypnosis helpful with so many things? The human trauma response safeguards us from getting overwhelmed yet keeps us from truly resolving long-held pain. This puts us in a situation where we need to find distraction in order to get temporary peace of mind. But the very things we use as a distraction make it even harder to resolve the actual cause of our discomfort. Through hypnosis, I guide people into a deep state of relaxation and focus. From this place I can work with them to resolve old stubborn fears that would be impossible to address in a normal waking state. I learned how to work with trauma from Bessel Van Der Kolk MD, the author of The Body Knows the Score, the only million selling book on trauma.
Hypnosis is grounded in an enormous amount of empirical research and is routinely taught in medical schools and PhD programs. It has been approved as an intervention by the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the World Federation of Mental Health, among others.

Personality In-Depth. What's Your Unique Cognitive Style?
Personality In-Depth helps you find and embody your true cognitive style. This is especially helpful if you happen to be a person who has found themselves feeling like a stranger in a strange land most of your life. Why is that? Because you have unique strengths. As much as we are all profoundly impacted by our nurture/upbringing, we also have a unique neurological fingerprint that comes packaged with us at birth. Once you understand and embrace that neurological fingerprint, life gets a lot easier. I can help with that.
My work is largely based on the writings of C.G. Jung, Isabelle Meyers, Dario Nardi, and John Beebe. It is especially influenced by Dario Nardi's brain scans that demonstrated how subject's brain activity in EEG monitors differentiated according to personality type while doing the same activities.

Sound Healing
It was all pretty normal until now, right? I've always loved music. Singing and playing my guitar just made me feel good. I was curious and became a certified sound healer with Tom Kenyon in 2013. Weird and cool stuff happened. People would have insights and experience healings when I tuned into them and sang empathetically into the problem. The sound that came out of my mouth seemed to speak to them in a special way. Among many venues, I've been honored to sing at two IANDS national conferences, at Jeffery C. Olsen's One conference in Sedona, AZ, and at the Wisdom of the NDE conference in San Marcos Texas.
There's nothing like standing up in front of a group of hundreds of people, not knowing what you're going to sing, and then just singing whatever comes through. It's a practice in letting go completely, and letting the audience pull the music through you. The positive comments I get afterwards often amaze me.
Sound healing might seem strange to some people. However, it's probably the most ancient and universal approach to healing on earth. Historically and globally there are few things more normal. The first form of sound healing we know of was with the Aboriginal Didgeridoo 40,000 years ago. There is some form of sound healing employed in every culture and spiritual tradition including Christianity.

Almost a Pop Star
In September of 1991 my image was plastered on hundreds of Seattle metro busses and flown over Husky Stadium in Seattle as part of a promotion by Private Music for Bounce The Ocean's debut CD. We were also being played on radio stations across the country for a few months. We even made it big in Argentina.
We happened to release a vocal pop album out of Seattle exactly when the Grunge exploded; within thirty days of Nirvana's Nevermind and Pearl Jam's Ten. It wasn't great timing.
Being in the music business for a few years effectively motivated me to find work elsewhere. It was a confusing time because being a famous musician was a big dream. It was hard to let go of that one.
But I ask myself: who gets to actually sign a big record deal, work with a group of famous and ultra-talented producers and musicians, and come out of it as a fairly well-balanced and healthy person? I'm blessed.

My former partner, Robin, was kidnapped from her home in Delaware and taken to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) during the Rhodesian war in 1977. 40 years later, in 2017, and after several years of homework we were able to locate someone in Africa who remembered her from back in '77. We flew to Africa. On the first meeting, the woman, Maemu, who remembered her began sifting through Robin's hair repeating how sorry she was. We never told anyone that Robin had suffered a bullet graze to the head, but Maemu had remembered and wanted to make sure she was okay. Wow.
Keep in mind that the people who helped her back in '77 risked their lives to save a white girl who had been left for dead during a racially charged war. Amazing courage.
Spending a month in the Zimbabwe bush was life changing. I even got to participate in an ancestor ceremony (pictured). I also saw a black mamba in the wild and lived to tell about it.

When I was 8 years old I picked up a guitar and it felt like home. I loved the smell of it, the sound of it, and the shape of it. According to my guitar teacher I was unteachable, but I did get a record deal after about 17 years of practice. I would sit for hours with my guitar during some of the most troubled times of my teenage life, just tuning into it and experimenting, harmonizing the sound with my soul until everything seemed alright again.

Spiritual Anthropology
In college I found a book called Religions of the World in my parent's bookshelf. I stole it. Something in me wanted to experience them all. I grew up in a Baptist church but realized that was my corner of the spiritual world. What else was there? At this stage I've meditated with Buddhists, chanted with Sufis & Muslims, danced with African ancestors, meditated with Yogis, and have visited several different types of Christian churches. I am currently investigating the Aramaic origins of Jesus.
My findings? There's a source of peace beyond form and one can tap into it in a variety of ways. It's our shared nature. "Tapping in" is my ongoing practice.