
  • Resolve that nagging question: "Who am I?"
  • Free yourself from isolation and loneliness
  • Live from your true center
  • Experience a profound sense of oneness and connection

The intended result of an Awakening Session is an experience of absolute connection, sometimes called enlightenment or a direct experience of the truth. The method I use stems originally from the Zen Buddhist tradition of contemplating paradox. As you contemplate the paradox, the thinking mind falls away because it cannot grasp the paradox, which frees the true Self to emerge into one's consciousness. When this happens, there is often a sense of unending bliss, but even more than the bliss is the realization of connection with everything and everyone. This process doesn't require any particular belief system. It's simply a conversational process that leads to an awakening.

In only 2.5 hours many people walk away with an experience that remains pivotal even years later. Life becomes more connected, more real, more meaningful.

If you want a real, lasting answer to who you are, the end of isolation, and the beginning of an amazing sense of belonging then this is it.

Awakening Sessions are 2.5 hours in length. They currently cost $200 at the introductory rate of $80 per hour.

Working with John was truly profound and deeply transformative! Not only did I awaken, but the connection and unity to All was nothing short of life-altering. I see, hear and feel things differently than I did prior to our session together. -Shawndra Michell

“Yum-ness and yes-ness as a description of God/Oneness, the sense of holding my core/center…the wonderful sense of moving from skepticism and anxiety toward ease and openness, that my Self-ness was still present during an experience of One-ness.” -Awakening session participant

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