Embrace Your Spirit Program

The following offerings focus on helping you do two things:

  1. Experience truth directly. This is sometimes called awakening, enlightenment, satori, or kensho. These experiences are typically temporary and not permanent. However, many temporary experiences tend to build a path toward more stable enlightenment states. If you desire a direct experience of truth only, sign up for the Awakening Group, which is ongoing. If you prefer you may do this in a 1 on 1 format with an Awakening Session. If you'd like to learn more about how awakening works first, sign up for the How Awakening Works Intro Class.
  2. Build a supporting structure of practices, community, and philosophy that supports your spiritual life. I suggest starting with the Build Your Own Spiritual Path class. You can also sign up for coaching sessions with me if you prefer to do this via 1 on 1 sessions. The Transformational Journey is an excellent way to understand how spiritual growth works and will give you some important tools for dealing with inevitable hardships.

If you are new to personal development, I would recommend doing the Embody Your Strengths Program first because it can serve as a stabilizIng foundation for continued spiritual growth. Rushing into too many spiritual experiences too quickly, before understanding and accepting ourselves at a personal level, can actually add stress.

How Awakening Works Intro Class

Awakening is a blossoming of consciousness from the particular to the universal. It's a process that is integral to life itself. Our awakening process is often called forth by feeling the pain of dissatisfaction with our lives.

As we awaken we are more able to rest in being the joy, love, and peace we have always desired, while increasing our ability to participate more fully in life. As our awakening increases, the pain of looking outside for what is inside can cease. Life then takes on a new dimension of growth that was previously inconceivable.

Awakening is rarely a linear or all-at-once process. It's usually more like two steps forward and one step back. It can also feel like we're going backwards as we awaken because increased awareness means we notice more problems both within and without.

Momentary experiences of enlightenment or transcendence can serve as previews and touchstones into a richer and more connected way of being as we learn how to integrate them.

In this one hour session you'll learn:

  • What awakening is and isn't.
  • Methods for awakening you can use on a regular basis.
  • How awakening works with the brain and nervous system.
  • What to consider in your personal path to awakening.

Only $10 per person | 1 hr

When you sign up the calendar will show the class schedule in your time zone before you pay.

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Build Your Own Spiritual Path Class

A successful spiritual path helps you feel increasingly connected as you progress along it. The effect is one of resilience, sustainment, along with an increase in a sense of being love and being loved. Such a path has incredible benefits for one's body, nervous system, and ability to accomplish important goals. A spiritual path features a set of practices and beliefs, and usually involves interactions with others who support those practices and beliefs.

  • Define your unique spirituality. Learn how it works for you and shed false beliefs that are holding you back spiritually.
  • Learn how your strengths can help you or hinder you in your spiritual pursuits.
  • Define and implement practices that help you feel connected.
  • Create a supportive community around you to help you sustain your practices when you might not feel like it.

There will be homework, approximately 1/2-1 hour every night! How else do you expect to get transformation?

Only $249 per person. 12 person max for each group. 2 hours every Saturday morning Pacific Time.

When you sign up the calendar will show the class schedule in your time zone before you pay.

Awakening Group

This is the least expensive and easiest way to have a direct experience of truth, also called an awakening or an enlightenment experience. This can be incredibly powerful, but it's really only the beginning of a new way of life where you experience everyone and everything as profoundly connected.

Experiences of enlightenment are not a big deal. They are glimpses into our true nature. It shouldn't be normal that we are disconnected from our own source. But, sadly, it has become the norm. Join this group and help create a norm of connection and celebration of who we are.

You'll learn a simple technique that you can do by yourself and with others to bring about experiences of awakening after the workshop.

This group can be a terrific complement to the Build Your Own Religion class.

Only $69 per person. 2.5 hours.

When you sign up the calendar will show the class schedule in your time zone before you pay.

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Awakening Session

Connect to who you are spiritually in a direct way. This session is designed to bring about what is often called an enlightenment experience, an experience of unity with yourself and everything. It can be incredibly powerful and life altering, sometimes it represents an BC/AD kind of moment for people.

On the other hand, enlightenment is not that big of a deal. It shouldn't be normal that we are disconnected from our own source. I'm on a mission to normalize spiritual connection. You always have the choice to stay in an enlightened space or go back to a place that's more comfortable and habitual.

This session can be a terrific complement to the Build Your Own Religion class.

Only $225 per person. 2.5 hours.

Calendar link

When you sign up the calendar will show the class schedule in your time zone before you pay.

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