Embody Your Strengths Program

  • Understand the physiology, neurology, and psychology behind how motivation works.
  • Understand how your unique brain style works and how your Motivational Strengths are unique
  • Learn how to implement and embody your most positive attributes at work, home, and other arenas of life.

Here's the progression I recommend:

  1. Start with How Motivation Works. This short and inexpensive class will give you some great, useful tools and a revolutionary understanding of how human motivation works in a way that embraces neurology, physiology, and psychology.
  2. Follow up with the Find Your Spark class or coaching so you can truly embody your strengths.
  3. After Find Your Spark, maintain that spark with the Mind Your Spark group.
  4. Move on to the Embrace Your Spirit curriculum which will take your sense of growth, connection, and fulfillment to the next level.

How Motivation Works

The problem is not so much motivation, but that we think we should be motivated to do something we don't want to do. It's the "shoulds" that are the problem as they lead to motivations that are low quality and are unsustainable.

You'll learn:

  • How to shift to high quality motivations that bring more meaning, joy, and higher quality efforts.
  • How motivational states work in our brain and in our nervous system.
  • How to match your motivational state appropriately to your situation.

You'll also receive materials that illustrate how it all works in an at-a-glance kind of way that you can refer to when you hit those inevitable motivational blocks.

Only $10 per person | 1 hr

When you sign up the calendar will show the class schedule in your time zone before you pay.

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Find Your Spark Class

This is a transformational class that repeatedly changes lives for the better.

  • Create long lasting habits for motivation and resilience.
  • Learn your strengths and how to implement them in your life.
  • Deepen your sense of purpose.
  • Get out of a rut or just go from good to great.
  • Learn proven practices and models that can help you ignite that spark and keep it going.

There will be homework, approximately 1/2-1 hour every night! How else do you expect to get transformation?

Only $249 per person. 12 person max for each group. 2 hours every Saturday morning Pacific Time.

More details

When you sign up the calendar will tell show class time in your time zone before you pay.

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Find Your Spark Coaching

The focus here is the same as the Find Your Spark class except it's a 1 on 1 program.

  • Create long lasting habits for motivation and resilience.
  • Learn your strengths and how to implement them in your life.
  • Deepen your sense of purpose.
  • Get out of a rut or just go from good to great.
  • Learn proven practices and models that can help you ignite that spark and keep it going.

There will be homework, approximately 1/2-1 hour every night! How else do you expect to get transformation?

Only $420 per person. 6 sessions. 1 each week for 12 weeks.

When you sign up the calendar will show the class schedule in your time zone before you pay.

Mind Your Spark Group

This is for people who have taken the Find Your Spark class or coaching series and want to maintain that spark. The topic of the group will depend on what is going for the people who show up. We work with real life situations that are happening in each group rather than being academic.

Only $25 per person. 5 person max for each group. 1.5 hours every Thursday at 7pm Pacific Time

When you sign up the calendar will tell you what time that is in your time zone before you pay.

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