Find Your Spark

"Working with John has been a great experience. I came away with a clear sense of what truly motivates me. My perspective on what I do has changed from ambivalent to enthusiastic. I was able to identify my strengths, pinpoint my values and use new skills to truly support my goals." -Norena McMeel 

“Find Your Spark provides the tools, models and depth of conversations that helped me excavate my authentic self and bring it into my life more often." - Find Your Spark class member

"This course helped me really connect with parts of myself that I didn’t always take good care of, or appreciate. The gentle and direct counsel of the trainer brought clarity to what I love about me and how it helps me be the best version of myself. I left the program inspired to see how I can use those strengths to help others and myself." -Mary Reister

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Find Your Spark class. For me it was the chance to do some deep soul searching to define not only what makes me feel content and happy but to navigate this thing called life...It has given me confidence in strengths I did not know I had and to recognize those parts of me that are just ok and that’s ok! - Barbara Lemke

I wanted to share that I’ve accepted a new job using ALL of my sparks!! I’m running after my passion & it appears every thing is falling into place. The “Find Your Spark” training you led was instrumental in me realizing what I wanted to do when I grow up. Thanks for this wonderful training, it was perfectly timed in my career. - Danielle Rau

"Strong personal and professional growth can come from this course.  While in the class, a teammate unexpectedly passed away and the death demanded a shift of my perspective.  John and my classmates had created an almost sacred atmosphere of safety, and this and the tools we gained helped me with that shift." - Kirsten Taylor

Find Your Spark is a 12 hour course. There are 6 course sessions; each session is 2 hours. The sessions will be recorded in case you miss a class or want to review the material.
This is a great class if you:
  • Want to figure out what your next step is in life.
  • Feel like you're dragging through your days and want to change that.
  • Want to Learn more about what authentically motivates you.

This class is personality type aware. If you are unsure of your personality type, you should come out of this class very clear about what your type is and why. If you know your personality type already, you'll learn how to work with your type to achieve what is truly important.

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Course Content

Learn how to feel more resilience and an increased sense of direction especially during change and challenging times. You’ll find out how to discover more meaning and enjoyment in your life (including work) which will increase your motivation and productivity.
Find Your Spark includes the following 6 sessions: 
  • Session 1. How Motivation Works. Learn how to maximize the types of motivations that lead to greater wellbeing and effectiveness, and how to minimize the other types of motivations that ultimately leave you hollow and demotivated. Discover the neurology, biology, psychology behind sustainable motivation. 
  • Session 2. Discover Your Motivational Strengths. Understand the actions that uniquely motivate you. You will use a structured, enjoyable, and collaborative process to examine your best experiences and discover your most dependable motivational strengths. In this course, your strengths are defined as your most meaningful, energizing, and effective actions. 
  • Session 3 & 4. Apply Your Motivational Strengths. Learn how to apply your motivational strengths on a daily basis at work and home, especially in tough situations. You’ll learn how to transform defeating and draining situations into more life giving and sustainable ones. 
  • Session 5. Navigating Growth and Change. Real personal growth requires us to shed self-defeating ways of thinking and adapt a growth oriented mindset. Most of the time this is easier said than done. It often requires us to confront challenging emotions and even traumas that might seem insurmountable. It may require we look at parts of ourselves that we’d rather ignore. Learn how to gather the support needed to successfully navigate difficult transitions so you can enter a new era of growth and satisfaction.  
  • Session 6. Purpose. Our reasons for doing what we do can be powerful motivators, giving us increased dedication through the toughest times. Tune into your most profound purposes that you can honestly celebrate and that can energize you toward doing what you truly need to do whether that’s an occupational goal or something in your personal life. Find the heart and courage to do what you may have thought was impossible. Reclaim your life. 

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Course Workbook

You'll receive a 105 page pdf workbook full of exercises and visuals that will help you internalize the information presented. It details how to:

  • Understand your brain and nervous system as they relate to motivational states
  • Create sustainable motivations that lead to fulfillment
  • Identify your Motivational Strengths
  • Implement your Motivational Strengths in a project
  • Bring more meaning, enjoyment and effectiveness into your daily life
  • Find a strong sense of purpose
  • Achieve a sense of life balance

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